Well, today I'm going to talk you about a interesting topic, the Microencapsulation.
The microencapsulation is a procedure through who bioactive substances be introduced in an array to so avoid that it be losed or to protect it to reactions with another components, or also it be used on the controlled release of substances.
In my career, the microencapsulation has some relevance, because the main is mantain the active ingredient of the medication, who is possible thanks to it, also there is patients that need that their medications be released to slow rate.
I'm not sure why I chose it, I just thought that it is an interesting topic to treat, also this topic fill so much in my career and maybe inclusive someday I used it. So far don't have found future uses to this technique, but surely soon will be found more than one use.
I remember that I read about it when I was doing a paper for the university, at that time I dindn't explore so much about the topic, until now that I had to talk about it, so I searched more information.
Some advantages of the microencapsulation are that it can deliver like result final products with high performance, also the advanced aspects of the process give important advances to the industry, and some disadvantages are the high cost of processing, also that can be a potential risk to the health and the environment due to the use of solvents.
Microencapsulation is a topic that I find very interesting, I would like to be able to devote myself to that