Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My "Babies"

I think that all the kinds of pets are very good friends and even good family, but in particular I love the dogs, they are so tender and loving.

Sofia and Bella in my mother's arms
In my life I have had a lot of dogs, of different races, hair color, sizes, ages, etc. Nowadays I have two dogs, "Bella" a baby mix between a Poodle and a Yorkshire Terrier, it is the most tender puppy in the world! and its mom, "Sofia", a Yorkshire Terrier, I love it too.
Sofia is with me since around seven or eight months, and some months after it became pregnant, and three months ago was born Bella. When Bella was born I was very excited, because was the first time I saw the birth of a dog! This beautiful puppy delayed around four hours to born!

I'm not sure why I love them. Sincerely they have broken a lot of things in the house, shoes, toilet paper, stuffed animals, furniture (generally the tip of the furniture), and a lot of another things! But when I get back to home, they are who greet me, moving their tails, barking like fools, treating to lick my face, jumping in the chair, etc. And it makes me very happy when I get back.

Well, this was my Babies, the most riotous puppies in the world.

A very tousled Sofia

Sleeping Beauty

Around 1,5 months